
“For the Wrath of God: Fatalism and Images of God in Violent Regions of the World” by Christopher D. Bader, Andrea Molle, Benjamin Gurrentz and James J. Coyle was published in the Sociology of Religion (Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly…
The Caucasus Analytical Digest (issue no.100) explores Georgia’s domestic political landscape and offers the following articles:
“Georgia’s 2016 Parliamentary Election: One Year Later” By Tornike Zurabashvili “The Public Political Mood in Georgia” By Tsisana Khundadze (CRRC-Georgia) …
On Wednesday, December 13, 18:30 at the CRRC-Georgia Office, Dr. Stephan Rindlisbacher from the University of Bern will give a talk about his work in progress “The Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic as an Object of Neglect”. Stephan Rindlisbacher is currently…
On Wednesday, November 22, 18:30 at CRRC-Georgia office Dr. Vincenc Kopeček from the University of Ostrava (Czechia) will present his work “De Facto States and Their Patrons: Towards Theory-Building”. Terms such as occupation, puppet state, protectorate etc. are quite often…
The borderlands of the Caucasus mountains have been the site of fierce territorial contestation and enduring religious rivalries. The communities that historically inhabited this region were frequently subjected to the tumultuous aftermath of the shifting power balance of the empires…
Are you a research-minded university graduate who wants to gain an important skill set that is absent in Georgia?  Do you want to work hard and open the door to international opportunities? If so, then this is for you!…
CRRC, ARISC and American Councils are proud to present the 2nd talk of the Fall 2017 Works-in-Progress series! Paul Manning, Trent University: “The Icon and the Metro: Art and Architecture in 1960s Tbilisi” Professor Paul Manning received his PhD in linguistics…
CRRC-Georgia is looking for interviewers all over Georgia to conduct population surveys in Georgia – along with Georgian language speakers, Armenian and Azerbaijani language speakers are welcome to apply.
We offer: Flexible schedule, Interesting experience, …