CRRC’s 5th Methods Conference on Policy Analysis in the South Caucasus

On June 23-24, 2017, CRRC hosted its fifth methodological conference on Policy Analysis in the South Caucasus: in Search of Methodological Innovations. The conference aimed at providing a platform for scholars and practitioners to share and discuss their experiences and knowledge on challegnes and opportunities associated with methodological approaches for policy evaluation.


On the first day of the conference, established scholars presented their papers to the audience for discussion, while the second day consisted of workshops on different topics including, benefits of web surveys, synthetic control method, open-ended discussions, multiple imputation methods and etc. For detailed agenda, please click here.


Methodological conference is an annual two-day event, which takes place in Tbilisi, Georgia and aims to advance discussions on methodological approaches for studying political, social and economic trends in the South Caucasus.


The Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) is a network of research and research support centers in the capital cities of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Established in 2003, CRRC’s goal is to strengthen social science research and public policy analysis in the South Caucasus. Over the past thirteen years, CRRC has become a nexus of activity for the social science community in the South Caucasus by providing open access to data, scholarly literature, and professional training for social science researchers.