CRRC’s omnibus survey is accepting questions

CRRC Georgia is carrying out an omnibus survey in December 2019. In past rounds of the survey, researchers from the IOM and Harvard among others provided questions for the survey.

Individuals and organizations interested in adding questions to the survey are invited to get in touch about potential inclusion of questions on the survey by November 15.

Omnibus survey questions cost significantly lower than commissioning an entire survey. A price list for different questions and experimental designs is available here.

The survey will have an achieved sample size of 1000 respondents, be conducted face to face, and be nationally representative. Demographic cross tabulations will also be provided for each question, including age, sex, education level, employment status, and settlement type (Capital, other urban, rural).

We look forward to hearing from you about potential collaboration.

To find out more, please contact David Sichinava ( and Dustin Gilbreath (
