Future of EU-Turkey Relations. Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios – FEUTURE

European Union

CRRC-Georgia is part of consortium of 15 renowned universities and think tanks working on FEUTURE project, including University of Cologne, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Istanbul Bilgi University, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE), Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (Eliamep), Koç University, Middle East Research Institute (MERI), Middle East Technical University (METU), Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), American University in Cairo, Sabancı University. Considering on-going socio-political and economic context in Europe, as well as Turkey’s impact on the region, the aim of the research is to analyse and assess complex relations between Turkey and the EU and discuss Turkey’s role in the region, both in terms of historical narratives and emerging scenarios.

The FEUTURE’s research aims to:

    • Map the dynamics of EU-Turkey relations as to underlying narratives and thematic drivers;
    • Substantiate most likely future scenario(s) and assess its implications;
    • Draw policy recommendations;
    • Feuture provides excellence and pursues an ambitious, inspiring and innovative programme in a three-phased structure of elaboration, exploration and extrapolation. It applies an inter-temporal, interdisciplinary and international approach by analysing drivers within six thematic dimensions (politics, security, economics, energy, migration, identity) and across four levels of analysis (EU, Turkey, neighbourhood, global).

The additional information on the project can be found at: http://www.feuture.euwww.facebook.com/feuture.eu

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692976

Phase 1: Elaboration – Critically assessing the past via narrative analysis & delineation of forward-looking ideal type scenarios.

Phase 2: Exploration – mapping dynamics by identifying and analyzing the drivers of EU-Turkey relations in six thematic dimensions and substantiation of the most likely scenarios.

Phase 3: Testing scenarios by understanding their implications for the EU, the neighbourhood and the global scene & drawing evidence-based policy recommendations.

Report, online papers: Online Paper no.11, Online Paper no.13, Online Paper no.14.
